The Sermon on the Mount

Today we celebrate the beautiful feast of Corpus Christi. The feast of the Body and Blood of our Lord. This feast is a treasure for us as Catholics! We cherish this great treasure given to us and instituted by Our Lord. The Lord Jesus gave us his body as food for our journey. We will be having our annual procession with the Blessed Sacrament tonight (Sunday) after the 6:00pm Mass. I hope to see you all there!

All of our graduation celebrations in the parish are over. I am so very proud of all our graduates. May God bless all your future endeavors!

In the bulletin, you will see the copy of the 2017-2018 financial report of the Parish. Please note: on Saturday, April 6, I held a joint meeting of the Parish Council, Finance and Stewardship Councils. This report that is in the bulletin was given out to the members of the councils. In addition, once a month I have an accountant come to the Rectory for the day, to make sure all is in order. Reports are made to the Diocese. The accountant, not me, puts together the final report as seen in the bulletin. After the report is done by the accountant and after I show it to the finance council, the trustees sign the report and it is sent to the Diocese which keeps it on file. This has been the case during the last 5 years of my pastorate!

Thanks for your support!