Christ in the Wilderness

Ash Wednesday was truly a powerful, spiritual experience for me personally and for the nearly 10,000 people that came to the Church all day to receive ashes on their forehead and to begin the discipline of Lent! I encourage all of you to take advantage of all that our parish has to offer as we look forward in 40 days’ time to the celebration of Easter.

Please note we will have evening prayers prayed every Sunday at 5:00pm in the Church. Evening prayer or Vespers as it’s also called is also the public prayer of the Church. Each Sunday we will have a visiting priest come in to preside and to offer a reflection for our Lenten journey. We will pray the Stations of the Cross in the Church every Wednesday at 12:45pm, every Friday at 7:30pm and also in Spanish every Thursday at 7:45pm.

In addition to the regular weekday schedule of Mass at 7, 9, & 12 we also have an English Mass at 7:00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays. Wednesdays and Fridays during Lent. Please try to incorporate Mass into your Lenten journey as much as possible.

I also encourage you to take advantage of the events offered from our Parish Outreach office. Once again, we will be having our Landings Ministry. This is one of the most important ministries we have in our parish. We are welcoming home Catholics who have wandered away from the practice of the faith. Our landings outreach will begin on Monday, March 18th. If you or anyone you know would like guidance on how to return to the practice of the Faith, I strongly encourage you to give Landings a try!

A Blessed Lent!