chappettoI invite you to two special Masses next week, Monday and Wednesday, at 7 PM in the Church. I have invited two priests to celebrate and give an extended homily on some aspects of Lent. Please make every effort to join us.

I am happy to tell you that Bishop Ray Chappetto has accepted my invitation to be the celebrant at the 1:15 PM Mass on Palm Sunday. I know we will welcome him with open arms.

Looking ahead to Easter Sunday, we will be having a special sunrise prayer service at 6:15 AM in our parish gardens followed by Mass at around 6:45 AM. Scripture recalls that the tomb was empty early on Easter Sunday morning. There is a tradition in the Church of having an early morning service and Mass that corresponds to the disciples encountering the empty tomb at the dawning of a new day! I hope some of you can attend. There will be breakfast served as well.

Father Abels
Rev. Kevin P. Abels, Pastor