This weekend is Catechetical Sunday! Its’s an opportunity for us to celebrate those in the parish who are involved in the important work of bringing the message of Christ to others! Today we recognize all in the parish who instruct adults and children in the ways of the faith. How very important this is in our time today. I am grateful to all those who serve in this role for our parish. God bless you all!

Next weekend is also our Annual Ministry Fair all around the Church. The purpose of the Ministry Fair is as followed:

  1. Show our parishioners the many, varied ministries that are present in the parish and
  2. To encourage all our parishioners to prayerfully consider joining a particular ministry in the Parish.

I thank all our leaders and all those who are members of the various ministries in the parish.
Be assured of my continued support! Today, Sunday, there will be a special Holy Hour for vocation from 4:00pm to 5:00pm in the Chapel.

Please mark your calendars: we are going to have a special Mass, Followed by a candle light procession around the Church in honor of our Lady of Fatima on Friday, October 13th at 7:00pm in the Church. Please bring any statues or images that you might have to be blessed!

Next Saturday we will have a special Mass of Thanksgiving for our 10th Corpus Christi Procession. The Mass will take place at 11am in the Chapel followed by our organizational meeting.

Thanks for your support!

Rev. Kevin Abels, Pastor