Palm Sunday Vigil, March 24th
Masses: Vigil – 5PM, 6:30PM (SPA)
Palm Sunday, March 25th
Masses: 8AM, 9AM, 10AM (Spa auditorium), 10:30AM, 12 Noon (Spa), 12:15PM (Spa auditorium), 1:30PM, 6PM
Monday, March 26th
All Day Penance 7:30AM-9PM
Holy Thursday, March 29th
9AM Morning Prayer, 7:30PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 11:45PM Night Prayer
Good Friday, March 30th
9AM Morning Prayer w/ Tenebrae, 12 Noon Stations of Cross, 1:30PM Seven Last Words, 3:00PM Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion (Eng), 6PM Children’s Passion Play, 7:30PM Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion (Spa)
Holy Saturday, March 31st
9AM Morning Prayer w/ Tenebrae, 10AM Blessing of Easter Baskets, 12:30PM Blessing of Easter Baskets, 2:45PM Divine Mercy Novena, 7:30PM Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday, April 1st
6:15AM Morning Prayer, 6:30AM Mass, 8AM Mass, 9AM Mass, 10AM (Spa mass auditorium), 10:30AM, 12 Noon (Spanish Mass), 12:15PM (Spanish Mass auditorium), 1:30pm Mass, 6PM Mass