Legion of Mary

About Us

fatimaOur Mission is to enable our members to grow spiritually, deepening their relationship with God and His church. To spread the Gospel message of Christ to everyone as modern day apostles, going two-by-two to share in the priestly ministry of the church through the following works:

Door-to-Door Visitation is literally knocking on doors and ringing door bells to speak with Catholics within the boundaries of St. Sebastian’s Church regarding the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is a ceremony held in the homes of Catholics who consecrate their family and their home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the priest or deacon.

Pilgrim Statue Visitation is bringing Our Lady of Fatima statue into a home, a prayer ceremony when entering the home and a prayer ceremony when the statue is picked up. Religious Education is giving religious instructions, preparing students for Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Abortion Clinic and Baby Shower –Counseling women who approach the clinic, providing baby showers to those who change their minds, witnessing to the value of life through prayers at the site. Post – abortion healing counseling is also available. The “Prayer Warrior” prays across from the clinic for the mothers and unborn babies. Nursing Home Visitation is a weekly praying of the Rosary, group singing and storytelling with the residents.

Literature Distribution/Book Barrow is distributing free Catholic literature to interested parties, evangelization through public contact. Recruitment is the active search for new members and the responsibility of every legionary. God bless you.

Contact Us

Joan Marie Maggio
(718) 424-3248
Jean Bilgera
(718) 505-1462