About Us
St. Sebastian Line Dance Ministry has been serving and supporting the Parish of St. Sebastian Woodside
for the past nine years through weekly fund-raising line dance and zumba sessions every Saturday
evening in the school auditorium.
St. Sebastian Line Dance Ministry’s mission statement is the enrichment of people’s lives through the
artistic expression of dance.
The Ministry’s objective is to provide a continuing venue for recreation, social interaction and spiritual
enhancement among its members and participants thus encouraging all people to come together in
faith and camaraderie especially those who belong to our parish.
Regular line dance and zumba, every Saturday, 7:00pm- ll:OOpm in the school auditorium.
$5.00 donation at the door; all proceeds go to the Church/school.
St. Sebastian Line Dance Ministry’s core group carries out the ministry’s specific plans, goals and
objectives in conjunction with the parish. The core members were appointed not only for their
individual capabilities but more so for their commitment and dedication to serving the Lord as a unified
and collaborative team.
Everyone is welcome to join the Ministry!