I want to congratulate Mr. Harry Connor on his 30th Anniversary of service to our Parish and Parish Center. Harry serves as the Director of the Parish Center and we are so very blessed to have him in the Parish. Harry really loves our Parish and has worked so very hard in assuring that our Parish Center continues for many years to come!
Our Parish Center is approaching 50 years (2 years from now) and me as pastor am committed to doing everything possible to keep it going for many more years! However, in order for this to happen, I need your continued support! The Parish id financially responsible for the operation of our Parish Center. The Parish Center produces income from membership, CYO and other programs offered during the year. But mostly the Parish Center relies on the Sunday collection every week!
This is where you play a role in keeping it going. I strongly encourage you and your family to consider becoming members of our Parish Center! Again, my profound thanks to the wonderful work of Harry Connor. He has done so much and I look forward to working with him for many years to come.
Thanks for your support.