This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday

What an incredible spiritual experience last week was for all of us! The Sacred Triduum and Easter truly helped us to better appreciate what the Lord is His Mercy has accomplished!

I want to thank our choirs, visiting musician’s, lector’s, ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, altar servers and sacristans for their fine preparation and service during these Holy days.

A special Mass in honor of Pope John Paul II at 7pm in the Church, at this mass we will bless our statue of Pope John Paul II that was given to us by the generosity of some of our parishioners!

In the name of entire community of St. Sebastian’s, I want to thank them for allowing us to have this beautiful image in our Church! A reminder that all the monies collected will go towards the youth ministry of our parish.

Looking ahead, on Saturday May 20th at 1pm we will be having a special Mass of Healing for any of our parishioners with a disability. We will ask God’s healing to come down upon anyone with a disability. I ask all our parishioners who knowns a person with a disability, (family or loved one) to bring them to this Mass being sponsored by our Disability Advocacy Committee. I look forward to this special Mass

A farewell Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated for Fr. Carlos on May 21, 2017 at 1:15pm with reception to follow.

Rev. Kevin P. Abels, Pastor