I hope you can join us today (Sunday) for Lessons and Carols at 3:30pm followed by the lighting of our Parish Christmas Tree at 5:00pm! It’s a real reminder of the presence of Christ in our midst and the coming of the Christmas season! I hope to see many of you!
I wanted to announce a slight change to our Mass schedule in January. After consultation with the priests and the parish Council, I have decided to change the 1:15pm Mass to 1:30pm. This will provide enough time for the 12noon Spanish Mass to get out, people coming to the 1:30pm to find parking, get into the Church and prayerfully prepare for Mass. I think this is the best solution for now. I ask your continued patience and thank you for your support!
Our next Holy Hour for vocations is scheduled for Sunday, December 17 at4:00pm. Let’s continue to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life! Our Called By Name program continues. If you know anyone who might be interested in learning more about the priesthood and religious life, please leave their name and contact information in the box in the vestibule of the Church.
Finally, this weekend is the Annual” My Christmas Gift to my Church” collection. I thank you for your consideration of $50.00 as a way of thanking the parish for its presence in our lives. I am relying on every parishioner to donate something during this season of giving. Although the official collection will be taken this weekend, you can drop off your donation anytime during the month of December.
Thanks for your support.
Rev. Kevin Abels, Pastor