On behalf of the priests, deacons and parish staff , allow me to extend to you and your family a very Blessed Christmas! May the child born in Bethlehem fill you with God’s love and peace forever.
Let’s really focus in on this wonderful mystery of God becoming man in the person of Jesus. Let us give thanks to God always for being born in time and entering our human condition. Let us reflect on the need for a personal Messiah.
The Son of God, in the fullness of time, entered into the darkness and sin of the world to redeemed it with his love. My friends we have been redeem by the coming of the Messiah. Open your hearts to out new born King. Allow God in Jesus to renew and recreate you in His Love!
On Wednesday, December 28th, we will be singing Christian Carols around the neighborhood. We will meet at the Church at 8pm.
Please join us for a special mass on New Year’s Eve at 12 Midnight as we welcome a new year.
A blessed Christmas to all!
Thanks for your support.
Rev. Kevin P. Abels