I truly hope and pray that you had a wonderful Christmas with your family and loved ones! It’s a blessed time of the year! We had so many people attend Christmas Masses here. It was great to be able to welcome so many people and to wish them a Blessed Christmas. God is so good! I again want to thank all of you for your kindness shown to me and to the parish during this joyful time of year. A special word of thanks to the priest, deacons, staff servers, lectors, ushers, ministers of Holy Communion, choirs, musicians cantors, sacristans, the decorating committee from our Spanish community, and those who take care of our altar lines for making Christmas a truly spiritual encounter with the Savior of the world.
This year New Year’s Day is not a Holy Day of Obligation. Certainly, we will have Masses anyway to mark this special time as we ask God’s blessing in the New Year. Please note the change of times on Monday (New Year’s Day). New Year’s Eve (Sunday), we will have a 12am midnight Mass. Monday, New Year’s Day, Masses will be at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12 noon, 7:00pm English and 7:00pm Spanish.
Finally, I regret to inform you that we had a fire in our Sacristy Christmas Night the end of the 6:00PM Mass. The fire thankfully was contained. However, there was damage done to the sacristy, Chapel and a small portion of the Church. I thank God no one was hurt and that it did not spread elsewhere. I have spent this week talking and meeting with the insurance people and the company responsible for cleaning up and restoring our sacristy back to normal. I will keep you posted next week.
A Blessed New Year to all!
Rev. Kevin Abels, Pastor