I have met with our Parish Pastoral Council, which serves as an advisory board to me. It was a very productive meeting! I will be sharing some of the items discussed when I come out to do the announcements at the end of Mass. In the meantime let me tell you that we are planning an event on a Sunday in April that will focus on bringing all of the many different groups of our Parish together. We are planning to have an International Food Festival in which we will share each other’s food, culture and faith. Once I finalize the date and details I will let you know.
You will see in this week’s bulletin a form inviting the women in the parish to consider serving as an Usher at Mass. I think we are long overdue for having women serve in this very important ministry. I first brought this idea up with our current Ushers when I met with them in June last year. I want to thank all of our Ushers who serve us so well here at St. Sebastian! Many have been serving us for many years and I am truly grateful for their service at Mass. If any women are interested in becoming an Usher please fill out the form in this week’s bulletin and either drop it in the collection basket or drop it off at the rectory. I look forward to welcoming women in the parish as Ushers. Any man who is interested in serving as an usher is asked to speak with me about it, as well.
Finally, Tuesday, January 20th is the Feast of our Patron St. Sebastian. We will be having a special Mass with music at 7 P.M. in the Church. I have asked Msgr. Sean Ogle to preside and preach at this Mass and to offer some reflections on the history of our Parish which we love so very much! A small reception will follow. Please make every effort to attend.
Thank you for your support!
Rev. Kevin P. Abels