What a wonderful celebration of our 10th Annual Corpus Christi Procession last Sunday! I thank all of you who came to the mass, Procession around Woodside, and spent time in prayer before our Lord during our 40 devotion. It is very obvious and uplifting for me to know that you, the wonderful people of St. Sebastian, have a strong love and devotion to our Eucharistic Lord. God Bless you for your faith! A special word of thanks to Dr. Catherine Thornton for all of her hard work in preparation for our procession. As you can imagine, there is a lot of detail and organizing that goes into a procession like ours. Catherine has worked extremely hard and has worked numerous hours assuring for a prayerful and organized procession. I thank her for a job well done!

We are going to have a special Mass of thanksgiving for Fr. Ted on Sunday, July 16 at 1:15 pm, followed by a reception in our School Auditorium. It will be an opportunity for us to thank him for all he has done for our parish during his time at St. Sebastian. I believe Fr. Ted is ready and very capable of being a very fine pastor. I am very happy for him as he begins his new ministry at St. Bonaventura/St. Benedict the Moore. Fr. Ted is always welcomed back to St. Sebastian!

Thank you for your Support!

Rev. Kevin Abels