It’s hard to believe that we are in the month of June. There is so much happening here during this month that I would like to bring to your attention. Today, Sunday, is Pentecost Sunday. It is the birthday of the Church and the end of our Easter Season of 50 days. Today, a number of our parishioner will be receiving the sacrament of confirmation at the 10:30am Mass and so complete their initiation into the Life of the Catholic Church. Congrats! Please keep them in your prayers.
Today, Fr. Ikenna celebrates his first Mass as a priest at the 1:15pm Mass. On behalf of all of us here at St. Sebastian , I want to congratulate him and wish him all of God’s blessing as he begins his new ministry as priest.
Next Sunday at 10:30am Mass, those graduating from St. Sebastian Catholic Academy will be joining us so we can pray for them and wish them well as they move on to their High school years. I am so very proud of them and I want to thank them for all of their contributions made to our community.
Father Cyril arrives next week and will be here with us until September. I really look forward to his coming here and continuing his excellent ministry here with us at St. Sebastian.
Finally, I thank those of your who contributed to our boiler door collection. We collected $922.00 I was really hoping for more. So, there will be a door collection after the Masses all throughout the month of June.
I am looking to brighten the outside of the church plaza by getting new light fixtures. Some of the fixtures are broken and little light is provided. The proposal for brighter outdoor light in front of the Church is $5,000.00. I am looking for as many parishioners possible to donate $300.00 or more so I can complete this project during the summer before the fall. Please contact me for more information. Thanks.
I thank your for your generosity
Rev. Kevin P. Abels,