Thanks for your prompt response to our 2016 ANNUAL Catholic Appeal. Our goal is $146,724. When we reach our goal, all monies will come back to the Parish. Many of you have made your pledge already, I thank you very much! I will leave the envelopes on the tables in the back of the Church so you can make your pledge if you decide to do so.
Also, a reminder that the first row in the front of the Church will be roped off for anyone with mobility issues. Anyone who has a hard time making their way down the main aisle of the Church to receive Holy Communion is strongly encouraged to sit in the front row that will be reserved each week.
Next weekend is My Easter Gift to my Church Collection. Please be as generous as you can. Our budget really does depend on this collection.
Also, next weekend is Palm Sunday. Weather permitting, we are going to try to have a procession at 5pm and 10:30am Mass starting in the front of the Church. More information will be given around the start of these Masses. Bishop Vitold, one of our recent auxiliary Bishops for the Diocese of Brooklyn will be the celebrant at the 10:30am Mass on Palm Sunday.
Rev. Kevin P. Abels