This weekend is the in pew registration for the 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal. Our goal as I mentioned two weeks ago is $146,724. All monies over the goal come back to the Parish. This will be our focus. That we go over our goal and bring much needed money back to the parish. Recall I mentioned two weeks ago that we were short last year and did not reach our goal by $54,000. But that was my fault because I really didn’t push the appeal since we just came off a major Generations of Faith Campaign. In order to reach our goal and go over it, I need all of your help! If you have not contributed before or last year, may I ask you to consider at least a $100.00 donation over the next 10 months. That comes out to $10.00 a month. Remember, I want all of us to focus on the parish and to go over the goal by as much as possible. I thank you in advance for your help!
Fr. Cyril will be arriving on Friday and will staying with us until after Easter. It’s always great having him around. Please welcome him again when you see him! Please keep our upcoming Parish Mission from April 3-6 in your prayers. Fr. Trevar will be leading our Mission. It’s a wonderful way to enter into these final weeks of Lent as we look back forward to Holy Week. The Mission will take place after the 9 am and 7 pm Masses on April 3-6. I strongly encourage you to attend and take part in this time of prayer and refection. Our newly formed retreat Committee has been working so very hard on this mission. I want to thank them for their work.
Finally, looking ahead: All Day Penance will be celebrated on Monday, April 10 from 7:30am to 9:00pm in the Church. Please take advantage of this as well.
Thanks for your support.

Rev. Kevin P. Abels, Pastor