I hope and pray that we will truly have a blessed and faithful lent. I encourage you to take advantage of all the many events we are offering you as a way of deepening our relationship with Christ. Please note that the stations of the Cross will begin this week. The Stations will be prayed at 12:30pm Wednesdays and 7:30pm on Fridays. All are welcome.

I want to thank those volunteers from the parish who greeted the thousands of people who came through our doors on Ash Wednesday, Hopefully you and others who visited left feeling welcomed and at home. What a great way to begin our Lenten journey.

Yesterday,, students form St. Sebastian Catholic Academy received their first Penance! I am so proud of them and look forward to celebrating their First of them and look forward to celebrating their First Holy Communion soon!

Over the next two weekends, students from our religious Education program, will be receiving their first Penance as well. Please keep them in your prayer.

Finally, next weekend I will be announcing at all the Masses, our 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal. It’s an opportunity for us to help our Diocesan Bishop to continue the Lord’s work in our time. I will be showing a video that will highlight some of the initiatives the Bishop need help with. Our Goal is the same as last year; $146,724. I needs all of your help once again. Last year we were short of the goal by $54,000. I had to give $54,000 from our operating account so we could meet our goal. That was a lot of money to give away. The Parish really cant afford to do this again. So it’s very important that all of our parishioners support the ACA for 2017!

I thank you in advance for your help!

Rev. Kevin P. Abels