schoolI want to give you an update on our Catholic School’s transitioning into an Academy in September. As you know Bishop DiMarzio has asked that every Catholic School to become an Academy by 2017. St. Sebastian Catholic School is in the process of becoming an Academy in September. Our Principal, Mrs. JoAnn Dolan and I have been working very hard with the diocese in making sure that this will be a smooth transition and to be perfectly honest, all is going extremely well to date.

Let me say very clearly that our school is strong and healthy on so many different levels. We are blessed by a wonderful facility and staff who are very much dedicated to our student body and all that our school has to offer. Academically we are strong and are students are well prepared as they grow intellectually over time.

A board has been put together to oversee the general operation of the academy. The members of the Board are: Margaret Baxter(chair), Jeanne Martin, June Parodi, Robert McKenna, Richard Drake, David Crimmins and Tom Casey. I am very impressed already with our board. We have met a number of times already and I assure you they truly are dedicated to the mission of St. Sebastian Catholic Academy and has the student’s interest at heart!

One of the first things the board voted on was the re-hiring of our principal and faculty / Staff. I am very happy to inform you that the board has unanimously decided to re-hire Mrs. JoAnn Dolan to remain on as principal for the near future. I am happy to say that Mrs. Dolan gladly said yes and look forward. It is no secret how lucky we are to have her as principal.

Our school now is excellent because of her leadership and presence and I know going forward our Academy will be just as great, if not better, because of her. Also, all of our facility has been invited to return next year and I am happy about this as well. Our faculty is the best and this is seen on the word done with our students in the classroom.

I will periodically update you on what is happening with our Academy. I wanted to begin by saying this with all of you!

Thanks for your support.
Rev. Kevin P. Abels