I am looking for volunteers to serve as a ministers of Hospitality for our Masses on Sunday. Basically, I am looking to have three Ministers of Hospitality at each of our Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. The role of the minister is to welcome people 15 minutes before coming to Mass and to stay after Mass for an additional 15 minutes to assist people looking for information about our many parish events and to schedule appointments with our priests. This will be a very positive addition to our parish. Please let me know if interested.
Next Thursday, May 25, is the Feast of Ascension of Our Lord. It is a Holy day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated on Wednesday evening at 7:00pm, and Thursday at 7:00am, 9:00am, 12 noon, 7:00pm in English and 7:00pm in Spanish in the (Chapel).
Next weekend is Memorial Day weekend. We will have a special Mass on Memorial Day at 10:00am to pray for and remember those who have died in active military service. I hope you can join us.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Fr. Carlos for all that he has done during his 3 years at St. Sebastian. Fr. Carlos is a very fine priest who has done excellent work with our altar servers, sacristans, liturgy and most especially with our Spanish Community! I thank him for his presence with our young students in our Catholic Academy, Religious Education program and youth and young adults Ministry.
Personally, I thank him for his friendship and support. We will all miss him but we he will never be forgotten. I wish him God’s Blessing as he begins his new assignment at St. Mary Gate of Heaven parish in Ozone Park, Queens. God Bless you my friend! You will always be welcomed at St. Sebastian!
Thanks for your support!
Rev. Kevin P. Abels,