I am very happy to let you know that our statue of Our Lady of Knock has arrived from Ireland. I have placed the statue in the sanctuary at all our Masses this weekend for you to see. I am inviting all of you to a special Mass on Saturday, October 18 in honor of Our Lady of Knock where the statue will be blessed and then placed in the back of the Church next to the painting of Our Lady Undoer of Knots. Please make every effort to attend this special event for the parish. Our Irish Community have done so much, and continue to do so for our parish. I am so grateful for their support and generosity.
On Sunday, October 19, we will have our first Hospitality Sunday for the year. Hospitality Sunday is an opportunity for our parishioners to come together and strengthen our bonds. We are such a large parish that we rarely get to know the people we worship with on a weekly basis. This will be a wonderful opportunity to do so. Coffee, bagels and muffins will be provided on that Sunday. The Young Adults from our parish will be sponsoring our first Hospitality Sunday after the 8, 9, 10:30 and 12 noon Masses in our School Auditorium.
Thanks for your Support!