Next Saturday November 1st, is the Feast of All Saints, It is a Holy Day, but not of obligation. We will celebrate the Vigil of all Saints on Friday, October 31st at 7 PM and the regular schedule Masses on Saturday at 9AM and 12 Noon Spanish. All are welcomed. Next Sunday, November 2, is the Feast of All Souls. It’s an opportunity for us to pray for all our departed loved ones as well as pray for all the souls in Purgatory. The 5PM and 6:30 PM (Spanish) Masses next Saturday will be celebrated for All Souls.
The week of November 2-8 is both National Vocation Awareness week and National Parish Religious Education week. National Vocation week is an annual weeklong celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through prayer and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations, during this week I encourage you to do the following. 1. Take time to pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. 2. Reflect on our vocation and strengthen our personal relationship with Christ. 3. Invite a young person to consider a religious vocation.
The week of November 2-8 is also National Parish Religious Education week. It’s an opportunity to recognize all those involved in religious education in all of its many forms. In our parish, religious education happens in our Catholic school of excellence; in our religious education program that meets twice a week, in our RCIA program, in our Baptism instruction and our Adult Faith Classes during the year. Religious Education is done formally in this way in our parish. I am so grateful to all who are involved in this very important endeavor.
Let us continue to support the work of our Parish!
Rev. Kevin P. Abels