I am happy to announce that we will be having a traditional 40 hours devotion in our Parish beginning with an opening Mass on Monday, October 19th at 7pm and concluding with Mass on Wednesday, October 21st at 12noon. I am proud to say that we have a very focused spiritual life with our Eucharistic Lord at St. Sebastian. Recall last year, we put in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Monday to Friday, from 7:30am- 6:45 pm at night. Many people have spent time in prayer with our Lord. If you have not done so, I encourage you to do so.
During our forty hours devotion, our Chapel will be open from after 12 noon Mass on Wednesday October 21st. Yes, this means all during the night! We need to have at least 2 people with the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Rodnev will be telling you more about this and will have signup sheets available in the back of the Church this weekend and next.
Next Sunday, October 18th, we will have our 2nd Hospitality Sunday after the 10:30am & 12 noon Mass. All are welcomed!