Years ago, Bishop DiMarzio asked that every parish form a parish Council, which serves as a advisory board to the pastor. The role of the Parish Council is to bring the parishioners concerns or ideas (your concerns and ideas) to me as pastor. I am grateful to all the past and current parishioners who have served time on the council. I truly do value your input! Our current Parish Council is made up of members representing the major groups of the parish: English community, Spanish community, Korean community and Filipino community.

When I arrived here as pastor two years ago I created other smaller councils. I created a Spanish council and a Korean council. The role of these councils is to plan and suggest ideas for these communities, so the Korean and Spanish councils plan events and raise issues pertaining only to the Korean and Spanish communities.

I am happy to inform you, that now that we have assigned a Filipino priest to the parish, I have recently formed a Filipino council which will work with me and Fr. Joey on issues within the Filipino community.

When I came back as your pastor, I promised that I would do my best to make sure at every group felt welcome and that all ideas would be considered. That being said, I want to let you know that I will be holding a General Assembly meeting, for our English/Anglo community,. In other words, any parishioner who is not Korean, Hispanic or Filipino is invited to gather with me on Sunday, November 13th at 2:30pm in the school auditorium. The purpose would be to suggest ideas and / or plan events for the American community. Please know that the reason I am only asking to meet with this group is because all other major groups of the parish (Spanish, Filipino, and Korean) already have some kind of representation. Please don’t be offended! I am just trying to do my best to make everyone feel welcome. We have Irish, Polish, Italian and Indian communities (to name only a few) that I want to reach out to as well. Please help me!!

Rev. Kevin P. Abels