I want to thank Phil Williams, Patrick Sweeney and John Reade for updating us on the 2014 ACA. I am so grateful to those of you who have made a pledge and to those of you who are in the process of making one! We still have time, to the end of December to make a pledge. If you have not done so, may I ask you to consider making a $50.00 pledge from now to December. That comes out to $12.50 each month from now to the end of the year. I know we can do this. Let’s show our Bishop that we want to help him with the Lord’s work in Brooklyn.
This weekend we celebrate Catechetical Sunday in our Diocese, it’s an opportunity to recognize those who teach and pass on the Catholic faith to others, especially our young people who are the future of our Church. I am so grateful to all who exercise the ministry of Catechist in our Parish; our school teachers, Catechists of our Religious Education Program, those who serve on our Baptism Ministry, those who serve on our children’s Sharing of the Word Committee and those involved in the RCIA. A special blessing will be given to them at the 10:30 AM Mass Sunday.
Next weekend is our annual Ministry Fair to be held in the cloister. It’s an opportunity for our parish ministries and societies to encourage all of our parishioners to be involved in a particular ministry in the parish as a way of deepening our relationship with the Lord. Please stop by and learn more about what our parish offers to all who come here. There is a ministry for everyone!
Thanks for your support!