Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Labor day is the unofficial end of summer . I hope and pray that each of you were able to enjoy the summer and spend some time with your family and friends. I was able to take some time away in August with my family and friends. I am back and I look forward to the start of a new pastoral year.

The 7pm weeknight Mass will resume on Tuesday, September 6th with a special Mass in honor of St. Mother Teresa who will be canonized on Sunday , September 4th in Rome. At our Mass we will unveil a statue of St. Mother Theresa, donated by an Indian family of the parish. I will bless the statue and ask her intercession as our parish continues its outreach to the poor in our midst.

This week we welcome back our students, faculty and staff to another year in St. Sebastian Catholic Academy. Our projected enrollment as of today is 451, which is 7 more then we closed with last year. St. Sebastian Catholic Academy continues to provide the best academic and spiritual formation to all of its students. I will celebrate a special opening Mass for the new school year on Friday September 9th at 9am in the church. I invite all of you to join us in prayer for another successful year guided by the Holy Spirit.

Fr. Boyd, who has been helping here in the summer at St. Sebastian will return home to San Diego on Tuesday.
On behalf of all of us I want to thank him for his excellent ministry to our parish. I look forward to his return to us next year.

Thanks for your support .

Rev. Kevin P. Abels