I’m preparing for the start of our new pastoral year in the fall I wanted to share with you some of the events and activities we are planning for this New Year. Please keep in mind this is not the final schedule for the year. Our parish staff is working very hard on other events as well but I wanted to share some of the things I was working on and wanted to bring to your attention.
- Sunday Evening Vespers: Ever Sunday at 5PM in the Church on the following dates: September 27th , October 25th, November 22nd, all the Sundays of Advent, January 24th, all the Sundays of lent, April 24th, May 22nd, and June 26th.
- Hospitality Sunday following the 10:30AM Mass on: September 13th, October 18th, November 22nd, March 6th, April 24th, and June 5th.
- Children’s sharing of the Word at the 10:30 AM Mass on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month from October – May.
- Special Blessing:
- September 13th – Blessing of Grandparents at all Masses
- 10:30AM Blessing of Back Packs, all children attending Mass are asked to bring their school back packs and supplies they put in them.
- September 20th – 10:30AM: Catechetical Sunday. Blessing of all Catechetical leaders in Parish & Heads of all our parish ministries.
- October 4th – Blessing of Engaged Couples
- November 8th – Blessing of Veterans at all Masses
- May 1st Blessing of Expecting Moms at all Masses
- September 13th – Blessing of Grandparents at all Masses
- Parish Missions:
- Mission with Al Barbarino October 5th & 6th at 7:30AM
- Easter Mission – May 9th, 10th, 11th at 9:30AM & 7:30AM
- 40 Hours Devotion
- Beginning with the 7:00pm Mass in the Chapel October 19th – October 21st with the closing Mass at 12 noon in Chapel
- The Chapel will open with the Blessed Sacrament exposed for 40 hours straight.
Some other events to keep in mind:
- Our ministry Fair will be held on the weekend of September 19th – 20th.
Also, we need some volunteers for our Evangelization, Hospitality and 125th Parish Anniversary Committee. Call me at the rectory if interested.