Friday, March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day! A day in which we give thanks to God for the man and saint named Patrick. It’s a joyful day of celebration for our beloved Irish brothers and sisters. We will be having a special Concert in Honor of St. Patrick at 10am, followed by Mass at 10:30am. I encourage as many of you as possible to come . After Mass we will be serving coffee and Irish Soda bread. I am in need of people baking or donating Irish Soda bread for this special occasion. If interested, please call and leave your name and the amount of Soda bread you wish to donate. Thanks in advance. Also, a special dispensation has eaten given by Bishop DiMarzio, allowing meat to be had by all. So, enjoy!

On Monday, March 20th, we will have a special Mass in Honor of St. Joseph. Because St. Joseph falls on a Sunday, the feast got transferred to Monday. There will be a special Mass will be at 12noon and St. Joseph pastries will be given out!

Finally, I thank all of you for your attention and support with regards to the 2017 ACA. Our goal is $146,724. I ask all of you prayerfully consider making a pledge. All monies over the goal comes back to the parish. Last year was the first time ever in which we did not reach our goal. We were short $54,000. So I hope this year we can get that money back by going over our goal.

Thanks always for your support!

Rev. Kevin P. Abels