Wednesday March 6, is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of our Lenten season. I encourage all of you to attend Mass or one of our many prayer services here or wherever you might be. Please note that ashes will be distributed after the homily at 7am, 9am, 12noon, and 7pm Spanish Masses and at prayer services at 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, and in the Chapel at 7pm.

We will also have a 7pm evening Mass in English on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please note Spanish that Mass on Thursday will be in Spanish. Every Sunday during lent we will be inviting a guest priest in to preside over and preach at vespers.

This weekend the Diocese has asked that we announce the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal. I want to thank those of you who generously supported the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal. Because of your generosity, we were able to go over the goal by $5,000. Great job everyone!

Now we need to focus on 2019. Our goal has gone up this year to $159,310. I humbly ask those who supported last year to continue to do the same for 2019. I ask, if you can, those who did not support the 2018 appeal to consider making a $240 pledge ($20.00 a month) until the end of the year. All monies raised will continue to help the Bishop too allow the Diocese to run programs and services for the people of God living in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens. Please help St. Sebastian’s reach its goal and please help the Bishop to continue to run the Diocese as best he can!

The Supper at Emmaus


The Transfiguration of Christ

Ash Wednesday Schedule

Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Masses: 7:00am, 9:00am, 12 noon, and
7:00pm Spanish (Church)
(Ashes distributed after Homily)

Prayer Services: 2:00pm, 4:00pm,
6:00pm & 7:00pm
(Ashes distributed after Homily)


Sermon on the Mount

Today at the 10:30am Mass, we welcome Fr. Jim Cunningham back home as we continue our yearlong celebration of our 125th Anniversary. Please come to this special Mass! After Mass there will be a reception for him in the school auditorium. It’s great to be able to have him home as we share together beautiful and lasting memories of our parish, memories that will last a life time. Welcome home, Fr. Jim!

Looking ahead: Ash Wednesday will be on March 6, 2019. I will begin to post the schedule for Lent and Ash Wednesday next week.

Rev. Kevin Abels


Jesus Found in the Temple

As a part of our 125th celebration, once a month I will be inviting priests who had been assigned here to come back once a month to celebrate mass and to share memories about the parish. This being said, I am very happy to let you know that Fr. Jim Cunningham will celebrate the 10:30am Mass on Sunday, February 17th. A reception will follow in the school auditorium. Please come!

Last Saturday we had our Annual CYO dance to support the very large and active sports have in our parish. I am so grateful to all of our coaches who volunteer their time for our children. I am very proud and happy with our CYO program. I thank everyone who came out last Saturday to support it!

I encourage all of you to seriously consider joining our Parish Center if you have not done so already. Membership entitles you to use of the pool, gym and other features offered. There are family and parishioner discounts offered. Please consider! You will love it!