Monday, December 19, is all day Penance. A priest will be available to hear your confession from 7:30am to 9pm in the church. Please take advantage of this before Christmas.

I am happy to inform you that children from the parish will be performing the Nativity scene at 4:30pm (before the 5pm Mass) on Christmas Eve. The 5pm Mass on Christmas Eve will be geared towards children. Please make every effort to attend this mass if possible.

I want to thank our music director, choirs and visiting musicians, for a beautiful evening of Lessons and Carols last Friday evening. It was a great start to the Christmas season which is coming quickly upon us.

In a special way I want to thank Fr Carlos and members of the Hispanic Community for their help in decorating our Church Plaza so beautifully. I hope you enjoy and appreciate all that our parish offers.

I want to thank those of you who gave to our toy drive for children and to My Christmas Gift to My Church collection. I encourage those of you who did not give to please consider making a $50.00 donation so that we can address some of the projects that need to be done. You can still give up until Christmas. Again, thanks for the support that you give to our parish. We need all of our parishioners to keep our parish in mind!!!