nativityThe Joy and the Christmas Spirit is upon us! Christmas Eve is this Thursday and our Parish joins with the whole world in welcoming the new born King, the messiah into our lives once again! On behalf of the priest, deacons and staff, we wish you and your family a blessed Christmas filled with Gods love!

Many thanks to those of you who gave generously to My Christmas Gift to my Church collection. Thanks to you we are able to catch up on some of the bills that we are responsible for as a parish. Your generosity to this Parish is a blessing and inspires me in so many ways. I you had not made your offering, and would like to do so, there are envelopes on the back tables of the Church for you to do so! Again, many thanks!

On Monday, December 28th, after the 7:00pm Mass, we will be caroling around the streets of Woodside. We had so much fun last year and I look forward joining many of you again this year!
Finally, we will have a special midnight Mass on New Year’s Eve in the Church as we pray for God’s blessing to come upon us in 2016.

A Blessed Christmas to all!