st-sebastianOn Wednesday evening, January 20th at 7pm, we will have a speacial Mass in honor of our patron, St. Sebastian. Fr. Jim Cunningham will be the celebrant and homilist for this Mass. A small reception will follow in the vestable in tnhe Church. Please make every effort to attend.

Bishop DiMarzio will be here on Wenesday, January 27th, to celebrate a speacial Mass uat 7:30pm in anticipation of the next Eucharistic Congress that will be held in the Philippines. All of the Filippinos in the diocese of brooklyn will be invited to the Mass with the Bishoop. All are welcome!

Finnally, I received the news that Bishop DiMarziowill also be here on Sunday, May 29th to celebrate the 1:15pm Mass, in Honor of our 9th Corpus CristiProcession at St,. Sebastian. What an honor to have our Bishop come and take part in an event that has been so very important to our Parish for 9 years. More information will follow; but, I wanted all of you to know the great news!

Thanks for your support!