Disputation of the Holy Sacrament

Today at the 10:30am Mass, we welcome our graduates from St. Sebastian Catholic Academy. I am so very happy that they join us at Mass. It’s an opportunity for the entire community to ask God’s blessings to continue to come down upon them as they look forward to their High School years. I am very proud of all their accomplishments and for taking advantage of all we have offered to them. I know they will cherish the time spent with us over the years. Please don’t be strangers to us!

Next Sunday is our 10th Annual Corpus Christi Procession! It’s a time when we show our appreciation for the gift of the Eucharist, which is the gift of Jesus to the world. All of the priests will be speaking about how we should all approach the Eucharist and what really happens when we gather around the Lord’s table. Please note: Mass next Sunday,  will begin at 1:30pm to give us more time to prepare. I really hope all of you will attend our Mass and  or Procession. I am happy to let you know that immediately after our procession, our parish will begin 40 hours’ devotion. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from the time our Procession ends until 6:45pm on Wednesday, (June 21st). We will gather for closing benediction at 6:45pm in the Chapel and then make our way over to the Church at 7:00pm for a special closing Mass.

A note to all lectors and EM’s: Our Annual meeting for this year has been changed from June 22nd to Thursday, June 29th. We will gather on June 29th for Mass in which, once again, you will re-commit yourself to your respective ministry. After we will have a very important meeting. Please respond to the rectory only if you are not able to attend. I thank you for the ministry that you give to our parish.

Finally, as I announced last weekend, Fr. Ted has been given the honor of being assigned as Pastor, effective June 30th, to the parish of St. Benedict the Moor-St. Bonaventure in Jamaica, Queens. We are sad that he is leaving but happy at the same time that he is becoming a Pastor. He will do great! I truly thank him for all that he has done for our Parish. A farewell Mass will be held some time in July. I will keep you posted!

Anyone wishing to memorialize a loved one on our tree of life is asked  to contact me. The prices have been lowered to the following: Small leaf: $700.00,  Medium Leaf: $900.00 and Large Leaf: $2500.00

I am looking to brighten the outside of the church plaza by getting new light fixtures. Some of the fixtures are broken and little light is provided. The proposal for brighter outdoor light in front of the Church is $5,000.00. I am looking for as many parishioners as possible to donate $300.00 or more so I can complete this project during the summer before the fall. Please contact me for more information.

Thanks for your support.

Rev. Kevin Abels, Pator