celtic-crossTuesday is St. Patrick’s Day! We will have a concert at 9:30 Am in which will all be able to sing Irish songs, Mass will begin at 10 am. After the Mass we will enjoy coffee and Irish Soda Bread in the Church lobby. Please, I invite all of you to attend this special celebration. I want to thank our Church community for all their support that they have given to our Parish since its beginning. God bless you as we all celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

I strongly encourage you to purchase tickets to our Annual St. Patrick dance to be held next Saturday March 22nd from 4 PM—8 PM in our School Auditorium. We are going to honor Msgr. Hardiman, Sr. Teresa Ryan and Margaret Haggerty. These three individuals have given so much to the life of our parish over the course of the years. I look forward to this gathering so I can thank these three individuals personally on behalf of the entire parish! I want to thank the committee who has been working so very hard over these past weeks in making sure that all who attend will have great time! Tickets are going fast, so please call the rectory ASAP.

Father Abels
Rev. Kevin P. Abels