Last Sunday we had a wonderful St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance in which we recognized Danny Connor, James Jacobson, Mary Sheerin and Maureen Fusco for the many ways they give to our parish and community. I am grateful to each of them for making a difference in our parish and in our community.

Allow me also to express my thanks to Betty Knapp and her committee for all the time and hard work that went into the planning of that evening. Thank you to all who went and supported this important event for the Parish! It’s important we keep this event going each year! I find it to be very important for all of us. Many thanks again!

I want to thank our Parish Vocation committee, under leadership of Fr. Rodnev, for their planning of our Parish Vocation Fair last Sunday. It was great seeing many of our religious communities present, sharing their joy and experiences of Religious life as a beautiful vocation for their life. My prayer is that more young people of our parish be open to the Lord’s call in their lives. Many thanks again to our vocation committee.

This weekend is our in pew commitment weekend as we begin the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal. To start, let me thank those of you who have already made a pledge. The diocese sends weekly reports to all the pastors and to date we have already pledged $58,062! Thus 189 people have pledged this amount before the in pew commitment weekend! I think we are off to a good start. But please, I need the support of all of you. Our goal is $151,724. Here is what we are going to encourage. I am going to ask those of you who did not support the appeal last year to consider making a pledge of $100 to the appeal. I am asking you to consider making this pledge over the next 8 months, which comes out to about $13. a month! I know we can do this! Envelopes are available in the back of the Church.

Let’s pray for the success of 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal.

Rev. Kevin Abels,

Communion of the Apostles