What a beautiful and spiritual celebration of the Sacred Triduum and Easter! It was for me, and I hope all of you, a powerful reminder that has helped me to appreciate more of all the Lord has done for us and just how much he loves us all.
I want to thank all of our ministers: lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, ministers of hospitality, altar servers, choirs, priests, deacons, parish staff, sacristans, flower committee and maintenance men for all of the hard work and creativity that has gone into making these special liturgies so very beautiful for us all. I am extremely thankful to all of you. A job well done!
Last, but certainly not least, a special thank you to each and every one of you for coming out and taking part in the liturgies. Your faith is strong and uprising, I thank you for your support that you gave to the many collections taken up during these days. Thanks to your generosity we are able to stay somewhat current with our bills and expenses. I love all of you and am honored to be a part of this parish.
A blessed Divine Mercy Sunday
Rev. Kevin Abels, Pastor