The Resurrection

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us Rejoice and be Glad, Alleluia! Our Lord has been raised as He promised! Our lives are changed forever Each and everyone of us are invited to have a personal relationship with our Risen Lord. I invite all of us during this Easter season to encounter the Risen Life in our prayer, work, family and friends. Take time to reflect on how the Lord is working through the many moments and events in our lives. The lord enters into the darkness of our lives and brightens it with His Risen Presence. Continue to commit your life to Him. He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. I invite you to bring any pictures or images of the Divine Mercy to the 1:30pm Mass there I will bless them.

A reminder that the 2019 ACA is underway. It is very important that every parishioner make a pledge to this appeal. All the monies collected will help the Bishop to fund programs in the Diocese. I ask you to pray for the success of this campaign. I thank those of you who have already made a pledge to the appeal. I have raised my pledge from $1,200. to $1,500. I will never ask you to give when I don’t give myself. May I ask those of you who have not yet made a pledge to please consider a pledge of $100. to $200. from now to December 31, 2019.

Our beloved parish is celebrating its 125th Anniversary all throughout this year. Our parish is a blessing in so many ways. Think of how much this parish has served all of us and other members of our families over the year. We have a lot to celebrate.

On Saturday October 19, we will have a big dinner dance at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston, Queens. Tickets will go on sale this week. Please contact the rectory now. We also need as many people and all of our parish ministries and societies to take out an ad in our parish journal. See the bulletin for details. A Blessed Easter to all of you!