Recently, I have put together a stewardship committee for our parish. A good number of people have joined this committee as a way of focusing our attention on it as a parish community. Stewardship is a way of life for every Christian. It’s acknowledging that everything we have is a blessing from God and in return we want to give something back to him.

When the church talks about stewardship, she speaks of all giving one’s time, talent and treasure back to God for the good of others.

Our stewardship committee has decided to designate the month of February as to stewardship awareness month. You will be hearing about this topic from the priests of the Parish as well as from our lay leaders who see this as an important topic for our reflection. They’re will be bulletin blurbs and a commitment weekend and with a reception after Mass so we can reflect further on this issue. I thank you in advance for your consideration.

Thanks for your Support!

Rev. Kevin P. Abels