Today, our parish is set to announce Stewardship Month. It’s an opportunity for all of us to reflect upon our responsibility to give back to God our time, talent and treasure as a way of thanking Him for all of His countless blessings to us. I am so grateful to God that we have so many parishioners who give of their time, talent and treasure in order to make our parish a vibrant one.
During this month I invite you to keep this theme of Stewardship in your prayers so that we can encourage all in our Parish to be good stewards of the gifts and blessings God has given to us all! I have asked two of our Parishioners,, Mary & John Reade to oversee our Stewardship Committee. I thank them and all others who have volunteered to serve on this committee. There will be many presentations given by Lay people as a way of bringing all of this to our attention!
Rev. Kevin P. Abels