It’s hard to believe that another pastoral year is coming to an end by June. Now I am in the process of working on the calendar for the next pastoral year which will begin in September. I am very happy and proud to be the Pastor of a very active parish! I look forward to working with our parish ministries and societies in the coming year!
Just a Friendly reminder about our commitment to the Generations of faith over the next 5 years and the Annual Catholic Appeal. I know because of your generosity we will be able to help the Bishop and our beloved parish to carry out the work of the Lord in our time today.
Finally, at the 10:30am Mass Sunday, our 8th Graders will join us for the final time as a class. It’s an opportunity to wish them well and most of all to ask God’s blessings upon them and all their future endeavors. I look forward to addressing them formally on their graduation day! I know their parents are so proud of their hard work. The future is very bright. Pray for them!
Thanks for your support