Today we celebrate the beautiful feast of Pentecost. To- day we recall the Promise of our Risen, Ascended Lord, who sends the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, down from heaven the percolate to be our guide. Our Easter season of 50 days comes to a close today. Tomorrow we will resume the liturgical season of Ordinary time, in which we once again reflect on the public ministry of Jesus.

This is also graduation season. Today’s 10:30am Mass is the graduation Mass for the St. Sebastian Academy class of 2019. It was an opportunity for us to pray for them, wish them well and acknowledge all their achievements during their time here at St. Sebastian. Congrats to their families. Please continue to keep all our graduates in your prayers!

Next weekend we welcome the MaryKnoll missionaries who will be here talking at all our masses., asking your help once again on behalf of the missions. This is an opportunity for all us to put the Lord’s words into action and help many of God’s people most in need. I thank you in advance for your kind generosity.

The Diocese of Brooklyn is asking parishioners to personally subscribe to The Tablet at home. No longer will you be receiving The Tablet at home unless you pay for a subscription. If you don’t wish to subscribe to the table, we encourage you to take one from one of the two bins in the Church. The cost of each tablet is $1.00. You can place the dollar in the bin.

Thanks for your support.

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas