Today is the feast of Pentecost. It is the birthday of the Church. Today we recall how the power of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, has formed the church and kept it faithful to the mission of Jesus in the world. The Church is in the people of God. The Church comes alive when it asks the Holy Spirit to transform their hearts and make them more and more like the lord. My friends, continue to ask the Holy Spirit to come into your hearts. The Holy Spirit is powerful and life giving and will renew you and the face of the earth.
We are counting down the days to our 8th Annual Corpus Christi Procession on Sunday, June 7th at the 1:15pm Mass. Please make every effort to join us for this special event in which we give thanks to God for the gift of Jesus in the Eucharist. I encourage all of our parish groups and societies to be present at Mass and for the Procession as we show our love for this great gift.
That week leading up to our procession (June 1-5) we will have a special Mass at 7pm in honor of the Eucharist, following by the litany to the Holy Eucharist. I hope many of you can come to this as well.
Please don’t forget that we have Mass at 7pm in English (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday) and in Spanish (Thursday).
Finally, I hope all of you can join me as Bishop DiMarzio installs me as the 10th pastor of St. Sebastian on Saturday, June 13th at 5pm. I look forward to sharing this special moment with all of you whom I love very much.
Thanks for your support.
Kevin P. Abels