This weekend our country observers observes Memorial Day. For many it’s the unofficial start to the summer season. Above all, Memorial Day is a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered. Today we remember those who fought the good fight and gave their lives for God and country. We remember their zeal and courage. We remember their ultimate sacrifice and their love for this country. May God continue to bless their souls. May we never take for granted their service and example. On behalf of the Catholic War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary I invite you to join me for our annual Memorial Day Mass at 10 AM in the church. (Please note there will be no other masses that day and no exposition of the Blessed Sacrament). All are invited to join in the procession with our veterans around the neighborhood after Mass.
Reminder: We are getting closer to the arrival of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, blessed by Pope Francis in 2017 commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the apparitions in Fatima. Please see the bulletin for the schedule.
As you know we began advertising for a journal in preparation of our parishes 125th anniversary that we will celebrate in October. I strongly encourage all of you, especially the wonderful groups and ministries in the parish to sponsor an ad.
In addition, you can start to call and reserve your place for the 125th dinner dance to take place at that Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston. The dinner will take place on Saturday, October 19. Please see the bulletin for more information.
Next Thursday, May 30th is the feast of the Ascension a holy day of obligation, Masses will be on Wednesday at 7 PM and Thursday at 7 AM, 9 AM, 12 noon, 7 PM (English) and 7 PM (Spanish) in the chapel.
The diocese is asking that all parishioners personally subscribe to The Tablet. Beginning in the fall the parish will no longer be getting a bill for The Tablet. Also at that time The Tablet will no longer be delivered to your home unless you buy a subscription. If you take the tablet at Mass from one of the bins in the church, you are kindly asked to place one dollar in the bin. More info can be found in the bulletin.
Rev. Kevin Abels