It’s First Communion Season!

Next Saturday, May 6 , students from our Catholic Academy will be receiving their first Holy Communion. This is such an exciting time for them and the parish. The Lord comes as food for us to be the people He wants us to be. Our Religious Education students will be receiving their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 13,. Please keep all the young people preparing for First Holy Communion in your prayers!

We have some spaces left for the tree of life in the vestibule of the Church. I have decided to lower the prices of the leaf. Here are the new prices, small leaf-$700., medium is $900. and large in $2,500 . If you are interested in memorializing a leaf in memory of a loved are please call the rectory for more information.

A reminder that there will be a special farewell Mass for Fr. Carlos on Sunday, May 21 at 1:15pm followed by a reception in the school auditorium.

Thanks for your support.

Rev. Kevin P. Abels,