You might have read in the Tablet a few weeks ago that Bishop DiMarzio has announced an $80 million campaign over the next five years. The purpose of the campaign is to look to the future of our diocese and try to strengthen it as best we can. Bishop DiMarzio truly has the best interest of our diocese at least I have seen this while working very closely with him during the last five years as the vocation director. Money raised will go towards providing a moderate medical coverage for all our senior and retired priests who have served us so well over the years. We have the responsibility to care for them as much as possible. Money collected will also go toward assuring that every parish will have a full time youth minister as well as assuring that the diocese has numerous and effective means of reaching out to the young people of our diocese.

The parish of our diocese will also benefit from this campaign. Every parish has been assigned a goal. Our goal is 1.4 million dollars. Half of that money $600,000 will come back to our parish to do so capital need work. I would like to use $400,000 for the up keep of our beautiful Church and $200,000 to put an air conditioner in our school auditorium. All of this can only be done if we reach our goal of $1.4 million. We have just started the campaign here at the parish. I am working very hard with Megan Leonard, our campaign director assigned to us by the diocese. We have been having meetings and interviews with small groups of parishioners and I am happy to report that as of today we have just got over $300, 000 because of the generosity of 22 of parishioners. Remember if you decide to make a pledge, it will be over the course of 5 years. If you receive a letter of an invitation to attend the meeting please try to come!

If we all work together and did our part, I know we will reach our goal!

Thank always for your support