Today, we welcome a little over 400 students to our Religious Education Program. How very important it is to pass on the faith to the youngest among us. As a Church, we believe that Jesus has something profound to offer us, eternal life. Our society today will not teach or help young people to come to know about Jesus and the faith. That is where the local Church steps in. In order for the teaching of the faith to happen, we need two things: 1. Parents to encourage and bring their children to the program and 2. Men and Women from the parish to serve in the very important role as catechist. This being said, I am so grateful for our parents, for making religious education a priority for their children and to our wonderful catechists for serving in this very important ministry in our parish! Have a great year!

As you know we are planning a special celebration in honor of the 50th Anniversary of our beloved Parish Center on Friday October 12. I encourage all of you to purchase tickets for this special event to be held at Terrance on the Park. Please call the Parish Center and reserve your place for this special event.

Today also is Catechetical Sunday. It’s an opportunity to celebrate all of our parish leaders involved in the passing on of the faith to others. Thanks for sharing your own faith in a special way!

Finally, next weekend is our Annual Ministry Fair. Please take the time to stop over and see if you would like to join our many parish ministries.

Thanks for your support.

God Bless