This weekend at the 10:30am Mass we will install new Lectors and Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Communion. I am so grateful to God for the service of all our parish Ministers; Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, altar Servers, Ushers, Choir members and others who help enhance our celebration of the liturgy, which is the source and support of our Catholic tradition.
The next workshop for new Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will take place on Saturday, May 9th in Brooklyn. If you are interested in attending please contact me at the rectory or please see me so we can talk more about it.
I am also asking again for any women of the Parish to consider becoming an usher. I had a meeting recently and I am happy to say that we have 15 women who came forward to serve as an Usher. I would like that number to increase. If you are interested in becoming an Usher (man or women) please let me know as well.
Thanks for your support
Kevin p. Abels