I wanted to let you know that our 2019 Mass book is now open. Please consider coming to the rectory and offering an intention for a loved one who has passed away. Please know how very grateful I am to my wonderful volunteers who assisted at the opening of the Mass book last Saturday. Thank you so much for all the time that went into the day. Much appreciated!
I am asking all of our parishioners to observe a day of prayer and fasting for all the victims of sexual abuse by clerics. This day of prayer and fasting will take place on Friday, October 5th (1st Friday). We will have a special Holy Hour at 7:30pm, offering our prayers for the victims of sexual abuse. The Holy Hour will be followed by our regular all night adoration with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament,
Looking ahead, we will again start up our children’s sharing of the word of God with our children on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month beginning October 7th at the 10:30Mass. After the opening prayer at Mass the children will be led into our chapel where the readings for Sunday Mass will be proclaimed and explained to them.
Also, I am happy to let you know that our parish will be having 40 hours devotion beginning with an opening Mass on Monday, October 15th at 7:00pm and ending with a closing Mass on Wednesday October 17th at 7:00pm. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed during these times in the Chapel. There are sign up sheets to available in the vestibule of the Church to sign up to spend time with our Lord all throughout these 2 nights. Thanks for supporting this!
Finally, thank you for your support for the collection regarding the fixing of the 2 gas pipes, one in the Church and the other in Convent. We were able to raise $6,172.
Thanks for your support!